
财 务 计 划的英文

  • sfp
  • :    wealth; property; valuables
  • :    affair; business
  • :    count; compute; calculate; n ...
  • :    delimit; differentiate
  • 财 经 事 务 局:    financial services bureau
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        :    wealth; property; valuables
        :    affair; business
        :    count; compute; calculate; n ...
        :    delimit; differentiate
        财 经 事 务 局:    financial services bureau
        计 划 管 理 工 具:    project management tool
        自 动 购 货 计 划:    aro
        存 款 保 障 计 划 条 例:    deposit protection scheme ordinance
        计 划 推 行 后 的 阶 段:    post implementation phase
        :    名词(金钱和物资的总称) wealth; property; valuables 发财 get rich; 理财 manage money matters
        :    划动词1.(拨水前进) paddle; row 划船 paddle [row] a boat; go boating; 他们每分钟划 40桨。 they rowed 40 to the minute. 探险者们谨慎地把独木舟向上游划去。 the explorers paddled their canoe cautiously upstream.2.(合算) be to one's profit; pay 划得来。 it is worthwhile.; it pays. 这么好的地, 种饲料划不来。 it doesn't pay to grow feed crops on such good soil.3.(用尖锐的东西在别的东西上割) scratch; cut the surface of 划玻璃 cut a piece of glass; 闪电划过长空。 the lightning flashed across the sky. 她手划破了。 her hands were scratched.4.(一种东西在另一种东西上擦或扫过) scratch; strike 他划了一根火柴。 he struck a match.
        :    Ⅰ名词1.(事情) affair; business 任务 task; job; 业务 business; vocational work; professional work; 公务 official business; 事务 affair; 家务 household duties2.(姓氏) a surname 务光 wu guangⅡ动词1.(从事; 致力) be engaged in; devote to 好高务远 aim too high; 不务正业 not engage in honest work; not attend to one's proper duties2.(务必) must; should; be sure to 除恶务尽 must thoroughly exterminate an evil; 务使他相信此事。 be sure to make him believe it. 务请光临指导。 you are cordially invited to come and give guidance
        乙 型 肝 炎 检 验 和 防 疫 注 射 计 划。:    viral hepatitis preventive service
        s计:    s-meter
        :    Ⅰ动词1.(计算) count; compute; calculate; number 不计其数 countless; innumerable; 工作不计时间 be ready to work longer hours than required; not mind working extra hours; 数以万计 by the tens of thousands; numbering tens of thousands; 大小拖拉机计二十台。 the tractors, light and heavy, numbered twenty in all.; there were twenty light and heavy tractors in all.2.(设想; 打算) plan; plot 为长远计 from a long-term point of viewⅡ名词1.(测量或计算度数、时间等的仪器) meter; gauge 体温计 (clinical) thermometer; 雨量计 rain gauge2.(主意; 策略; 计划) idea; ruse; stratagem; plan 缓兵之计 stratagem to gain a respite; stalling tactics; 中计 fall into a trap; 眉头一皱, 计上心来。 knit the brows and a stratagem comes to mind. 他们一计不成, 又生一计。 their first ruse having failed, they tried another.3.(姓氏) a surname 计然 ji ran
        划、划、划小船:    row row row the boat
        事 务 服 务:    java transaction serveces
        把…划:    row 2
        划,划,划你的船:    row,row,row your boat
        财、彩、才:    cai
        人,财,物:    human,financial,and material resourceslabour arrangementfinance and materials
        36计:    thirty-six strategies
        ph计:    acidimeter; acidimetre; ph meter
        规,计:    gauge
        计,测功:    dynamometer


  1. "才作"英文
  2. "才玮辉"英文
  3. "才貂绿脓菌性出血性肺炎"英文
  4. "财"英文
  5. "财 经 事 务 局"英文
  6. "财、彩、才"英文
  7. "财宝"英文
  8. "财宝,宝贝,珍惜"英文
  9. "财宝帆船"英文
  10. "财宝机器"英文


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